Wo bachelor - Interdisciplinair

Liberal Arts and Sciences

Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
Geschreven door Rijksuniversiteit Groningen

At University College Groningen (UCG), we believe education should be more than just acquiring knowledge—it should be a journey of discovery.

Our Liberal Arts and Sciences programme is designed for curious, ambitious students who want to explore multiple disciplines, think critically, and tackle the world’s most pressing challenges. UCG offers a small-scale, interactive learning environment where you are encouraged to think beyond traditional academic boundaries. Our flexible and interdisciplinary curriculum allows you to explore a wide range of subjects while specialising in a major of your choice: Humanities, Sciences, or Social Sciences.What makes UCG unique? Here, learning goes beyond the classroom. Through interdisciplinary projects, real-world problem-solving, and a global perspective, you will gain the skills and confidence to make a meaningful impact. Whether you're debating ethical dilemmas or designing sustainable solutions, your education at UCG will be dynamic, hands-on, and tailored to your ambitions.Located in the vibrant student city of Groningen, UCG is more than just a degree—it’s a community of diverse, motivated individuals ready to shape the future.--

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Keuzes binnen de opleiding

  • In this field of study, you'll dive into the rich tapestry of human culture and literature.

    As cultural beings, everything we do—from technology and the arts to language, politics, and science—is shaped by our cultural context. Studnets can also focus on literature specifically, which is a particularly gripping, relevant and influential part of culture. Within the field of Culture and Literayre, you'll explore questions like 'How do cultures differ across history and around the world?', ' How do media and technology shape our lives, thoughts, and politics?', 'Can we understand current democratic challenges by exploring their historical roots?', and 'What role do narratives and myths play in the public sphere?'

    Kennismaken met deze afstudeerrichting?
  • Our students can obtain a Double Degree Bachelor Liberal Arts and Sciences from University College Groningen and Bachelor Philosophy, International and Economic Studies from Ca' Foscari, Venice.

    What makes this Double Degree bachelor programme unique is the combination of topics in the field of International Relations and (International) Political Economics and Philosophy, with a special focus on issues of economic integration and policy in a globalizing world. Students are trained to become broadly oriented political economists with a strong international profile and a deep understanding at advanced bachelor level of the main current trends in the global world of international (economic) policy. The Double Degree program is designed for students focussing on Philosophy, Politics, and Economics .

    Kennismaken met deze afstudeerrichting?
  • Economics explores how societies navigate the challenge of limited resources, making decisions that shape our world.

    It's about understanding the choices we make and how they impact everything from resource distribution to social welfare. Economists are at the heart of tackling some of the biggest issues we face today, from economic crises and inequality to climate change.

    By mastering tools like econometrics and cost-benefit analysis, you'll gain the skills to influence policy and drive solutions for market failures and economic development. Studying economics empowers you to make a real difference in today's interconnected world.

    Kennismaken met deze afstudeerrichting?
  • Health and life sciences focus on understanding, diagnosing, treating, and preventing diseases in humans and other organisms, making a tangible impact on the world.

    Neuroscience is a multidisciplinary field dedicated to unraveling the complexities of the human mind. Discover how biological principles intersect to shape our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, and be at the forefront of groundbreaking research and innovation.

    Non-medical/biological perspectives on these topics are important to UCG, which encourages multidisciplinary approaches to problem solving. Students study through small group lectures, working groups, journal clubs, laboratory practicals and self-study.

    Kennismaken met deze afstudeerrichting?
  • AI is woven into the fabric of our daily lives, playing a crucial role in solving societal challenges across fields like healthcare, education, transportation, and environmental sustainability.

    Interdisciplinary AI is a dynamic and evolving field that not only addresses critical societal issues but also embraces a wide range of perspectives from different disciplines. At the heart of Interdisciplinary AI is a commitment to educating and empowering students in the ethical and innovative use of AI. Our program is designed to equip the next generation with the skills needed to create intelligent, responsible systems for the future. We focus on nurturing your ability to develop cutting-edge technologies, regulate emerging trends, and prioritize the creation of systems that are centered around people.

    Kennismaken met deze afstudeerrichting?
  • International Business is about the global exchange of goods, services, capital, knowledge, and technology.

    This field dives into managing businesses that operate across diverse cultural, political, and economic landscapes. As a student, you'll explore key areas like international trade, global supply chain management, and cross-cultural management. You'll learn effective strategies to tackle global challenges and seize opportunities, while also developing the skills to navigate both the technical and ethical aspects of international business.

    Our program integrates insights from politics, economics, and global justice, offering a comprehensive perspective on how businesses impact and are influenced by global trends. In an era where globalization is constantly reshaping industries, studying international business is crucial for those aspiring to lead in the evolving global economy.

    Kennismaken met deze afstudeerrichting?
  • Law is much more than courtroom drama and legal statutes.

    t's a dynamic field that delves into societal, political, and philosophical issues, offering students unique insights into the systems and relationships that shape our world. Within our Liberal Arts and Sciences program, studying law hones your critical thinking, analytical skills, and ethical understanding, preparing you for a wide range of professional careers.

    At UCG, studying law provides a deep understanding of how legal principles intersect with global and societal issues. You'll learn about the rule of law as a cornerstone of democracy, ensuring laws are applied equally and fairly, safeguarding human rights and liberties. Our program emphasizes not only the functioning of legal rules but also the ethical imperatives essential for justice and equality in modern societies. Engaging with law at UCG means preparing for responsible leadership, informed citizenship, and ethical decision-making. This foundation empowers you to excel in various fields, both academic and professional, and to make a meaningful impact in the world.

    Kennismaken met deze afstudeerrichting?
  • In Philosophy, you'll delve into the nature of truth, meaning, rationality, reality, and values.

    You'll explore human dilemmas through a philosophical lens, grappling with questions such as: What does it mean to act morally good? What does it mean to act and think rationally? What is the meaning of "truth," and what makes a true statement true? What is a logically valid argument? What distinguishes science-based claims from others? Is there an objective reality?

    Key subjects include ethics, philosophy of language, aesthetics, political philosophy, philosophy of mind, metaphysics, philosophy of science, and philosophy of technology. Embark on a journey to understand the fundamental aspects of human existence and thought.

    Kennismaken met deze afstudeerrichting?
  • This area of expertise studies the structure, and the philosophical and economic principles of today's (global) society.

    The study addresses various societal problems such as the polarisation of society, sustainable economic development, democracy and immigration. These problems have important economic dimensions, and present ethical dilemmas. They also require effective political solutions. Students focus on the nation state, the market and individual behaviour, and discusses how entities interact. Combing philosophy, politics and economics gives students a multidisciplinary framework to analyse and address global challenges in a sustainable and evidence-based way.

    Kennismaken met deze afstudeerrichting?
  • Politics revolves around power, governance, and society's organization. It explores conflict management through deliberation, compromise, and democratic decision-making.

    As a politics student, you'll study political institutions and processes, learning how public decisions are made and implemented. You'll tackle crucial issues like resource distribution, conflicts of interest, and managing domestic and international disputes. Our foundational courses will help you critically analyze key concepts such as justice, rights, freedom, and democracy. You'll also explore the ethical dimensions of political decisions and their impacts on human rights and well-being.

    Kennismaken met deze afstudeerrichting?
  • Psychology is the study of the mind and behavior. It seeks to dive into understanding the intricate dynamics of our mental lives, from how we process information to how we act alone and with others.

    Studying this field, you will explore how psychology describes, explains, and predicts the complexities of human thought and action, equipping you with insights to navigate and influence the world around you.

    Kennismaken met deze afstudeerrichting?

Kennismaken met de opleiding?

Inschrijving webklassen
t/m 23 februari 2025

Op Studiekeuze123 kun je informatie vergelijken. Op de website van de onderwijsinstelling kun je verder lezen als de opleiding je aanspreekt.

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Taal: Engels (100%)
Bekostiging: Overheid
Studenten: 397
Studiepunten: 180 ECTS
Diploma: Bachelor of Arts,of Science
Bijzonder kenmerk:
Kleinschalig intensief

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Dit is een kleinschalig intensieve opleiding. Daarom mag de onderwijsinstelling zelf de hoogte van het collegegeld betalen. Bekijk op de website van onderwijsinstelling hoe hoog het collegegeld is


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Studeren bij deze instelling

397 studenten volgen deze opleiding
133 eerstejaars aan deze opleiding
36% van de eerstejaars studenten is man
64% van de eerstejaars studenten is vrouw
158 opleidingen
62.160 studenten in de gemeente Groningen Meer info over Groningen

Het eerste jaar

60 ECTS bindend studieadvies



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Diploma binnen 4 jaar


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behaalt een ander wo bachelor of master diploma

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Hoe beoordelen de (oud)studenten deze opleiding?

Nationale Studenten Enquête

Hoe tevreden waren studenten in 2024 over aspecten van deze opleiding?

Deze opleiding
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
Landelijk gemiddelde
Liberal Arts And Sciences (University Colleges)
Vergelijk alle 12 opleidingen
4.0 / 5 4.0 / 5
0.0 gelijk aan landelijk gemiddelde
Sfeer 4.5 / 5 4.2 / 5
0.3 meer dan landelijk gemiddelde
Studiefaciliteiten 4.0 / 5 4.1 / 5
0.1 minder dan landelijk gemiddelde
Studie opnieuw kiezen 3.9 / 5 3.9 / 5
0.0 gelijk aan landelijk gemiddelde
Inhoud en opzet 4.0 / 5 4.0 / 5
0.0 gelijk aan landelijk gemiddelde
Aansluiting beroepspraktijk 3.3 / 5 3.2 / 5
0.1 meer dan landelijk gemiddelde
+ Meer

Oordeel afgestudeerden

Omdat dit een kleine opleiding is, hebben we niet voldoende betrouwbare informatie over dit onderdeel. Neem contact op met de onderwijsinstelling.

Studeren met een ondersteuningsbehoefte

Veel studenten hebben tijdens hun studie behoefte aan extra voorzieningen of flexibiliteit in het onderwijs. Dit kan komen door een aandoening zoals dyslexie, een chronische ziekte, psychische klachten, maar ook topsport of ondernemerschap tijdens de studie. Studenten beoordeelden hoe tevreden ze zijn over de ondersteuningsmogelijkheden bij hun onderwijsinstelling.

Meest gekozen masters

Master Aantal %
Biomedical Sciences 38 studenten 6%
Psychology 30 studenten 5%
Kunst- & Cultuurwetenschappen 19 studenten 3%
Cognitive and Clinical Neuroscience (research) 12 studenten 2%
Business Administration 12 studenten 2%

Meer weten over de opleiding? Neem contact op met Rijksuniversiteit Groningen


Oude Boteringestraat 44
9712 GL Groningen

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Bel Rijksuniversiteit Groningen 050 363 9011
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