Wo master - Techniek
Deze opleiding heet ook wel:
Urban Management and Development (UMD)(IHS)
Urban Digital Transformation & Innovation: Governance and Economics of Cities, Urban Housing & Land Justice: Equitable Access to Sustainable Land, Hou...
The MSc in Urban Management & Development is a 12-month English-taught programme offered in 4 Master tracks that allows students to specialise within their chosen field.
Cities are in a constant state of unprecedented change. Between now and 2030, urban areas are expected to triple in surface; by 2050, 68% of the population will reside in cities. Population movements of this scale create physical, economic, environmental and social challenges. To remain sustainable, liveable and competitive, cities need well-trained urban managers in policy development and good governance. The MSc programme focuses on socio-spatial dynamics in planning, climate resilience and sustainability, governance and economics of cities and equitable access to sustainable land and housing.
The MSc programme is designed to give students the skills to analyse, understand and solve contemporary urban issues in their countries through forward-looking policy-making. A key feature of the programme is the use of comparative methodologies to discuss urban issues, policies and trends worldwide. Next to high-quality academic content, the programme also equips students with knowledge of popular data analysis software...
This master track focuses on how digital innovation and transformation impact urban socio-economic development and governance.
Digital technology has disrupted urban development and profoundly reshaped the way cities operate. From using big data to managing traffic flows to the Internet of Things (IoT) applications used to manage energy consumption in public places, urban spaces are becoming increasingly digitized. Such digital transformations and innovation drive socio-economic change and impact city governance. In this programme, you will learn about the economics and governance of urban digital transformations and innovation.
This master track will focus on understanding, applying, and evaluating how the right to land, housing and urban services can be achieved.
In a world with ample resources, knowledge, and skills, inequalities are growing worldwide. This manifests itself in economic inequality, social inequality, gender inequality, and housing inequality. Adequate housing is a basic need, a right, and not a privilege.
Land and shelter remain unmet basic needs for many, with growing global land inequality fuelling housing disparities and limited access to services. Unequal land access underlies pressing societal issues, including housing injustice. The challenge of adequate housing persists globally, as vulnerable groups face displacement and limited infrastructure, while non-profitable land uses like affordable housing are marginalized. Due to ongoing commodification, this exclusivity affects global urban access to land, housing, and services. Addressing housing and land justice aligns with shared societal goals outlined in the New Urban Agenda (NUA) and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Thus, the master track will focus on understanding, applying, and evaluating how the right to land, housing and urban services can be achieved.
This programme critically examines the theory, recent trends, and developments related to urban climate change adaptation and their links to sustainable atmosphere, land, and water management.
Climate-neutral and resilient cities are essential prerequisites for tackling the growing threat and impacts of climate change. True climate resilience requires systemic, nexus thinking around the key natural resources of land, water, and the atmosphere.
The Urban Environment, Sustainability and Climate Change: Integrated Management of Land, Water and Atmosphere programme is a master track will examine different conceptual, theoretical, and practical approaches to leading sustainable urban transformation and managing climate-neutral and resilient cities worldwide. It equips students with the knowledge and skills to critically evaluate and pursue urban resilience about the universal challenge of sustainable development and the reality of climate change. Next to environmental resilience and climate mitigation, the programme's primary focus, the track will examine critical social, economic and governance dimensions of climate-neutral and resilient cities.
Besides developing management and governance expertise, the track allows students to gain skills in geographical information systems (GIS), computer-based analysis tools and strategic planning methodology.
This programme focuses on how the interests and visions of diverse stakeholders shape, and in turn get shaped by, urban planning and policies.
Cities are complex, dynamic systems influenced by a myriad of stakeholders. Strategic planning is an approach that seeks to guide instead of control urban development. This programme will give you the qualifications to become an urban professional specialising in strategic urban planning and policy analysis.
Strategic urban planning calls for diverse knowledge and skills among urban planners for stakeholder management, socio-spatial analysis and critical reflection of problems and solutions. In this programme, you will examine the complex or ‘wicked’ problems that planners face and must address in planning practice.
At the end of this course, participants will have gained the qualifications necessary to become urban development professionals specialising in contemporary planning approaches. In addition, students can apply what they have learned by working on real cases in Rotterdam and worldwide.
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We hebben onvoldoende betrouwbare informatie over dit onderwerp.
We hebben onvoldoende betrouwbare informatie over dit onderwerp.
We hebben onvoldoende betrouwbare informatie over dit onderwerp.
Hoe beoordelen de (oud)studenten deze opleiding?
Hoe tevreden waren studenten in 2024 over aspecten van deze opleiding?
Meer informatie | 3.8 / 5 |
Sfeer | 3.9 / 5 |
Studiefaciliteiten | 4.1 / 5 |
Studie opnieuw kiezen | 3.5 / 5 |
Inhoud en opzet | 3.7 / 5 |
Aansluiting beroepspraktijk | 3.3 / 5 |
Meer informatie | 3.8 / 5 |
Sfeer | 3.9 / 5 |
Studiefaciliteiten | 4.1 / 5 |
Studie opnieuw kiezen | 3.5 / 5 |
Inhoud en opzet | 3.7 / 5 |
Aansluiting beroepspraktijk | 3.3 / 5 |
Docenten | 3.8 / 5 |
Lesstof in het Engels | 4.2 / 5 |
Studiebegeleiding | 3.7 / 5 |
Toetsing en beoordeling | 3.5 / 5 |
Betrokkenheid en contact | 3.9 / 5 |
Studiedruk |
Over de studie Urban Management and Development (MSc)
Veel studenten hebben tijdens hun studie behoefte aan extra voorzieningen of flexibiliteit in het onderwijs. Dit kan komen door een aandoening zoals dyslexie, een chronische ziekte, psychische klachten, maar ook topsport of ondernemerschap tijdens de studie. Studenten beoordeelden hoe tevreden ze zijn over de ondersteuningsmogelijkheden bij hun onderwijsinstelling.
Lees hoe het studenten van deze opleiding in de eerste periode na hun studie vergaat op de arbeidsmarkt.
De meeste informatie die je hier ziet geeft een inkijkje in de situatie van afgestudeerden aan deze opleiding 1,5 jaar nadat ze zijn afgestudeerd. De informatie heeft betrekking op de studie Urban Management and Development (MSc) en niet alleen over de opleiding aan deze instelling. Ben je nieuwsgierig hoe we aan de informatie zijn gekomen? Klik dan bij de verschillende onderwerpen op 'Meer informatie'.
We hebben onvoldoende betrouwbare informatie over dit onderwerp.
duurt gemiddeld 6 maanden.58% krijgt een vast contract.
83% vond een baan binnen het vakgebied van de studie
38% vond een baan op het niveau van de studie
Het startsalaris na deze studie is hoger dan het gemiddelde van alle wo master studies.
€ 2.976
Geschatte startsalaris na deze studie
€ 2.949
Geschat van alle wo master studies
Hoeveel uur afgestudeerden gemiddeld werken bij hun huidige baan.
38 uur
We hebben onvoldoende betrouwbare informatie over dit onderwerp.
Meer weten over de opleiding? Neem contact op met Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam
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3062 PA
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