Wo bachelor - Taal en Communicatie
Variant: Literary Studies: Literary and Cultural Analysis
The Bachelor's in Literary and Cultural Analysis equips you to analyse texts, images and other cultural objects in relation to larger philosophical questions and sociopolitical developments. The programme is perfectly suited to students who have an active and broad interest in contemporary culture, literature and the arts. By situating cultural objects within their local and global, historical and contemporary contexts, it becomes clear how they can help us reflect on urgent contemporary challenges like climate change, political polarisation, and structural inequalities.
The programme comprises a number of mandatory courses that introduce you to the fields of study, various methods of analysis and interpretation, and key theoretical concepts. You will focus on literary and cultural theories and methods, and will tailor your curriculum to your interest by choosing a minor and electives in a wide range of subjects. You will also have the opportunity to study abroad for a semester or do an internship.
The Bachelor's in Literary and Cultural Analysis highlights philosophical, political, and social perspectives on culture. The programme is perfectly suited to students who have an active and broad interest in contemporary culture, literature and the arts. It offers you the intellectual knowledge and skills to interpret and reflect on literature, art and popular culture. Central to the programme is the hands-on engagement with concrete objects – novels, films, poems, operas, television series, art installations, websites, performances, and so on. The detailed analysis of these objects is combined with wide-ranging philosophical, political and social approaches to culture and the arts. In this way, the programme enables you to interpret and evaluate particular texts, images, and objects in relation to larger philosophical explorations and cultural developments.
Literary and Cultural Analysis at the University of Amsterdam offers you a world-class education: the programme is ranked 3rd in Continental Europe and 41st overall in the QS World University Rankings by Subject 2021. It combines the best of Cultural Studies and Comparative Literature, offering philosophical and political insights into art, literature and popular culture.
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Veel studenten hebben tijdens hun studie behoefte aan extra voorzieningen of flexibiliteit in het onderwijs. Dit kan komen door een aandoening zoals dyslexie, een chronische ziekte, psychische klachten, maar ook topsport of ondernemerschap tijdens de studie. Studenten beoordeelden hoe tevreden ze zijn over de ondersteuningsmogelijkheden bij hun onderwijsinstelling.
Master | Aantal | % |
Letterkunde | 9 studenten | 20% |
Letterkunde (research) | 8 studenten | 18% |
Kunst- & Cultuurwetenschappen | 5 studenten | 11% |
Kunst- & Cultuurwetenschappen (research) | 5 studenten | 11% |
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1018 WB
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