Wo master - Economie en Bedrijf
Varianten: Gender Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in Management, Strategic Management, Marketing, International Business, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Stra...
The Master's in Business Administration focuses on management and organisations from different areas of specialisation, with an emphasis on the social processes that constitute organisations.
You choose a specialisation within the programme that determines the courses in the first semester. You will graduate in this specialisation in the second semester.
In the first semester you study theory and methods through five main courses. In the second semester you choose electives and/or start an internship and prepare your graduation project. You will collaborate closely with fellow students and have the opportunity to discuss with your supervisors. You conclude your studies with a Master's Thesis and are granted the degree of Master of Science (MSc.).
The Master's in Business Administration offers eight specialisations: Business Adnalysis and Modelling, Gender Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in Management, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, International Business, Marketing, Organisation...
GEM focuses on the challenges related to managing gender equality, diversity and inclusion in organisations, designing interventions and giving content to the social responsibility of organisations.
Organisations today have to deal with an increasingly heterogeneous workforce, due to developments such as migration, emancipation, ageing, and international cooperation. The inclusion of men and women, older and younger colleagues, people from different ethnic backgrounds, religions, various educational backgrounds and different sexual orientations has become an issue for employees and managers in modern organisations. To attract and retain a diverse workforce, to realize equal opportunities for all and to create an inclusive organisation in which people's needs for uniqueness and belongingness are met, are key challenges for organisations. Valuing all talent and using everyone's full potential has beneficial effects for individuals, organisations and society.
The Master's programme in Strategic Management focuses on strategy processes and their management in organizations in relationship to their dynamic and complex environment.
In accordance with the prevailing ideas in the field, Strategic Management addresses the various theoretical frameworks, models and instruments for describing and analysing the influences of the various stakeholders, strategy process in organizations, external environment, and internationalisation. We offer the courses: Corporate Strategy; Strategic Change; Strategic Decision Making; Strategy and Nonmarket Environment; Competition and Cooperation; Strategic Scenarios and Business Models.
We train our students to become creative, flexible, resourceful, responsible, independent and critical thinkers and strategic & business experts that help them to develop skills and ideas for business solutions based on a thorough academic understanding of business practice. Students are challenged to apply the theories and models to real world cases and should do assignments within organisations.
Career perspectives are for instance consultant, business analyst, researcher and manager.
The Master's in Strategic Management is a specialisation of the Master's programme in Business Administration.
In the Master's specialisation in Marketing you'll learn all about creating long-term sustainable relations in relation to corporate social responsibility.
Marketing is much more than simply selling products or services. It's also about creating value for customers and other stakeholders. And these other stakeholders aren't just shareholders or other players that have a financial interest. Employees, local residents near factories, environmental groups and public administrators are also stakeholders gaining a stronger say. Although the bottom line is still about profit, both people and planet have become major issues when it comes to responsible perspective on marketing.
You will learn how to build and manage customer relationships and how these relationships will help in key marketing activities such as branding, product management and service innovation.
What's the impact of the marketing strategy on organisational performance? How can customers be gotten involved in product development? What is needed to develop strong customer-brand relationships? This is just a small sample of questions you'll gain the answer to.
The Master's in Marketing is a specialisation of the Master's programme in Business Administration.
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Sluit je bachelor niet direct aan op de master, of stroom je door van hbo naar wo? Dan moet je meestal een schakelprogramma of premaster volgen. Lees meer over schakelprogramma’s (Schakelprogramma, is dat nodig? - Studiekeuze123)
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Hoe beoordelen de (oud)studenten deze opleiding?
Hoe tevreden waren studenten in 2024 over aspecten van deze opleiding?
Deze opleiding
Radboud Universiteit |
Landelijk gemiddelde
Business Administration Vergelijk alle 6 opleidingen |
Verschil | |
Meer informatie |
3.8 / 5 | 3.9 / 5 | |
Sfeer | 4.1 / 5 | 4.0 / 5 | |
Studiefaciliteiten | 3.8 / 5 | 3.9 / 5 | |
Studie opnieuw kiezen | 3.7 / 5 | 3.8 / 5 | |
Inhoud en opzet | 3.6 / 5 | 3.8 / 5 | |
Aansluiting beroepspraktijk | 3.0 / 5 | 3.4 / 5 | |
Meer informatie |
3.8 / 5 | 3.9 / 5 | |
Sfeer | 4.1 / 5 | 4.0 / 5 | |
Studiefaciliteiten | 3.8 / 5 | 3.9 / 5 | |
Studie opnieuw kiezen | 3.7 / 5 | 3.8 / 5 | |
Inhoud en opzet | 3.6 / 5 | 3.8 / 5 | |
Aansluiting beroepspraktijk | 3.0 / 5 | 3.4 / 5 | |
Docenten | 3.8 / 5 | 3.9 / 5 | |
Lesstof in het Engels | 4.0 / 5 | 4.3 / 5 | |
Studiebegeleiding | 3.7 / 5 | 3.7 / 5 | |
Toetsing en beoordeling | 3.5 / 5 | 3.6 / 5 | |
Betrokkenheid en contact | 3.8 / 5 | 3.9 / 5 | |
Studiedruk |
Over de studie Business Administration
Veel studenten hebben tijdens hun studie behoefte aan extra voorzieningen of flexibiliteit in het onderwijs. Dit kan komen door een aandoening zoals dyslexie, een chronische ziekte, psychische klachten, maar ook topsport of ondernemerschap tijdens de studie. Studenten beoordeelden hoe tevreden ze zijn over de ondersteuningsmogelijkheden bij hun onderwijsinstelling.
Je bent klaar met je studie. Hoe ziet de volgende stap eruit?
Bedrijfs- en organisatieanalisten | 21% |
Specialisten op het gebied van reclame en marketing | 10% |
Systeemanalisten | 7% |
Specialisten op het gebied van personeelszaken en loopbaanontwikkeling | 6% |
Accountants | 4% |
Duurt gemiddeld 7 maanden. 50% krijgt een vast contract
71% vond een baan binnen het vakgebied van de studie
53% van de banen zijn op het niveau van de studie
Het startsalaris na deze studie ligt hoger dan het gemiddelde van alle Wo master opleidingen.
€ 3.000
Geschatte startsalaris na deze opleiding
€ 2.800
Geschat van alle Wo master opleidingen
Hoeveel uur afgestudeerden gemiddeld werken bij hun huidige baan.
39 uur
Gemeten 1,5 jaar na afstuderen
Het aantal mensen met deze opleiding dat werkt als zelfstandige. Zelfstandigen en ondernemers als percentage van de beroepsbevolking.
Deze studie
Meer weten over de opleiding? Neem contact op met Radboud Universiteit
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