Wo master - Aarde en Milieu

Human Geography

Deze opleiding heet ook wel: Human geography
Varianten: Cultural Geography and Tourism, Conflicts, Territories and Identities, New Economic Geographies, Ecologies and Business Innovation, Urban and Cultural...

Radboud Universiteit
Geschreven door Radboud Universiteit

It takes a critical, emancipatory approach to the field by engaging with the less privileged in society, but also trying to contribute to positive change and development in many different fields. Within the Master's Human Geography, you have a choice between four important Master's specialisations, as well as the option to add to this with an Educational Master.

The Master's programme in Human Geography addresses the relationship between human activities and their spatial environment in a number of topical fields.

* Conflicts, Territories and Identities

* Capital. Labour and Extraction

* Borders, Migration and Justice

* Cities, Culture and Inequality

The Master's programme can also be conducted in dual mode (studying next to working in the human geographic profession).

Keuzes binnen de opleiding

  • In this specialisation you will learn to understand and interpret advanced theories and practices of leisure and tourism and their influence on the social, cultural and physical environment.

    Tourism is based on the cultural appreciation and value of the cities and landscapes tourists visit. Tourism also has a major economic, social and environmental impact on places and regions. This Master's specialisation allows you to understand the processes involved and how to use them in practice. In this specialisation you will mainly learn to understand and interpret advanced theories and practices of leisure and tourism and their influence on the social and physical environment. Since tourism is mainly about experiencing places and events, you will learn to understand where these experiences come from, what effects they have and how they can be influenced.

    The Master's is offered in cooperation with Wageningen University. You will follow 4 specialisation courses and 2 elective courses (both in Nijmegen and Wageningen), after which you can specialise further in your Master's thesis.

    After graduation, you can be employed in a wide range of jobs, such as city planner, region marketeer, policy maker, cultural planner or consultant. Both in and outside the Netherlands.

    Kennismaken met deze variant?



    10:00 - 15:00 uur
  • The world has seen many violent conflicts within and between nation states. You will study (inter)national conflict, war and the physical and mental borders that come along with these.

    How can violent conflicts be analysed and addressed? This is a recurring question, particularly given the ongoing violence in countries like DR Congo and Afghanistan, and the outbursts of civil war in Iraq and Ukraine more recently. In this Master's you will study national and international conflict, and the territorial boundaries and borders in the minds of the people involved. You will also become familiar with the theory and practice of those organisations, such as NGOs and the UN, who intervene in violent conflict and its aftermath, as well as the efforts by local actors to transform and resolve conflict. International geopolitics, peace building, identity formation and mobilisation, the strategic use of media by the parties involved, negotiation, violence, power and local state formation will be key topics.

    The Master's in Conflicts, Territories and Identities is a specialisation of the Master's programme in Human Geography in collaboration with the Centre for International Conflict Analysis & Management.

    Kennismaken met deze variant?



    10:00 - 15:00 uur
  • Study the role of regions as locations for economic activities. Focus on the meaning of local and global culture and policy-making at various spatial levels.

    The world shows manifest differences in economic performances and wealth, and in the way cities and regions form part of national and global economic systems. Economic geography studies these differences and their consequences for places and communities.

    The Master's in New Economic Geographies, Ecologies and Business Innovation is a specialisation of the Master's programme in Human Geography.

    Kennismaken met deze variant?



    10:00 - 15:00 uur
  • Cities are centres of society and are creative as well as conflictual places for divergent communities. We focus on how actors create, perform and experience the urban space and how they use it.

    Cities are the vibrant and dynamic focal points of today's society. These diverse agglomerations of people, companies and organisations are both locations for innovation and for conflict. Cities are regarded as creative places as well as conflictual places for divergent communities. In this master specialisation you will study how different actors influence the physical form of cities but also the way in which they present and understand the character and identity of cities and how they make use of the typical urban environment in their daily activities. They create and make cities!

    In this master specialisation, we focus especially on the different aspects of culture as a motor for urban development. We do so by engaging practically with cities at home and abroad through empirical research.

    This qualifies you for jobs like city-manager, city marketeer, city planner, integration agent, city-network manager, etc.

    The Master's in Urban and Cultural Geography is a specialisation of the Master's programme in Human Geography.

    Kennismaken met deze variant?



    10:00 - 15:00 uur
  • Globalisation affects people all around the world in different ways and extents. This specialisation allows you to take an independent position in debates on globalisation, migration and development.

    In Globalisation, Migration and Development you will study aspects of globalisation as related to socio-economic and spatial developments in different parts of the world, and the so-called Global South in particular. This implies a focus on: emerging social and spatial inequalities, resultant processes of social exclusion, but also emancipation; the nature and impact of migration; the role of resource demands for governance, etc. As these topics can be studied in different contexts we focus on urban and rural contexts, and the relation between these two domains. Beyond the thematic courses you will also follow courses giving insight in major theoretical debates in human geography, and courses which equip you with methodological and analytical skills. Thereby you will also be able to set up and conduct an own master thesis in which you research a topic that has your interest.

    This specialisation helps to prepare you for a career as a policymaker, practitioner, researcher and/or lecturer, whether in The Netherlands, the EU, or elsewhere in the world.

    The Master's in Globalisation, Migration and Development is a specialisation of the Master's programme in Human Geography.

    Kennismaken met deze variant?



    10:00 - 15:00 uur
  • Borders are sites for investigating the of European governance, sovereignty, territory and identit(ies). We focus on (b)ordering processes occurring within Europe's internal cross-border regions.

    Rather than withering away under the impact of globalisation, borders have become privileged sites for investigating the transformation of European governance, sovereignty, territory and identit(ies). We focus on b/ordering processes occurring within Europe's internal cross-border regions, taking into account the context of shifts in state sovereignty, territoriality, and cultural identity in Europe's borderlands. Courses will also train attention on the external bordering dimension of the European Union, while also addressing the EU's search for a broader role in the world. Themes raised are e.g.: cross-border governance, transnational and multi-level governance, European citizenship and 'cosmopolitical' identit(ies), critical border geopolitics, and the 'ethical' dimension to European borders.

    Students will be able to apply the scientific insights and practical skills to topics as Europeanisation, internationalisation, borders, identities, cross-border governance and international cooperation and politics.

    The Master's in Europe: Borders Identity and Governance is a specialisation of the Master's programme in Human Geography.

    Kennismaken met deze variant?



    10:00 - 15:00 uur
  • Borders, Migration and Justice
  • Capital, Labour and Extraction
  • Cities, Culture and Inequality

Kennismaken met de opleiding?

Op Studiekeuze123 kun je informatie vergelijken. Op de website van de onderwijsinstelling kun je verder lezen als de opleiding je aanspreekt.

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Taal: Engels (100%)
Bekostiging: Overheid
Studiepunten: 60 ECTS
Diploma: Master of Science

Om toegelaten te worden tot een opleiding moet je aan bepaalde eisen voldoen.


Om aan een master te kunnen starten, heb je een bachelordiploma nodig.

Sluit je bachelor niet direct aan op de master, of stroom je door van hbo naar wo? Dan moet je meestal een schakelprogramma of premaster volgen. Lees meer over schakelprogramma’s (Schakelprogramma, is dat nodig? - Studiekeuze123)


€ 2.601
Wettelijk collegegeld
€ 2.530
Wettelijk collegegeld

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Studeren bij deze instelling

59 eerstejaars aan deze opleiding
39% van de eerstejaars studenten is man
61% van de eerstejaars studenten is vrouw
99 opleidingen
46.634 studenten in de gemeente Nijmegen Meer info over Nijmegen

Het eerste jaar

We hebben onvoldoende betrouwbare informatie over dit onderwerp.


Diploma binnen 2 jaar


behaalt een diploma voor deze opleiding

behaalt een ander wo master diploma

behaalt geen diploma

Meer weten?

Hoe beoordelen de (oud)studenten deze opleiding?

Nationale Studenten Enquête

Hoe tevreden waren studenten in 2024 over aspecten van deze opleiding?

4.2 / 5
Sfeer 4.5 / 5
Studiefaciliteiten 4.5 / 5
Studie opnieuw kiezen 4.1 / 5
Inhoud en opzet 4.1 / 5
Aansluiting beroepspraktijk 3.3 / 5
+ Meer

Oordeel afgestudeerden

Over de studie Human Geography

47% van de afgestudeerden vindt de studie een goede basis om te starten op de arbeidsmarkt
86% van de afgestudeerden zou achteraf de studie opnieuw kiezen

Studeren met een ondersteuningsbehoefte

Veel studenten hebben tijdens hun studie behoefte aan extra voorzieningen of flexibiliteit in het onderwijs. Dit kan komen door een aandoening zoals dyslexie, een chronische ziekte, psychische klachten, maar ook topsport of ondernemerschap tijdens de studie. Studenten beoordeelden hoe tevreden ze zijn over de ondersteuningsmogelijkheden bij hun onderwijsinstelling.

Lees hoe het studenten van deze opleiding in de eerste periode na hun studie vergaat op de arbeidsmarkt.

De meeste informatie die je hier ziet geeft een inkijkje in de situatie van afgestudeerden aan deze opleiding 1,5 jaar nadat ze zijn afgestudeerd. De informatie heeft betrekking op de studie Human Geography en niet alleen over de opleiding aan deze instelling. Ben je nieuwsgierig hoe we aan de informatie zijn gekomen? Klik dan bij de verschillende onderwerpen op 'Meer informatie'.

Meest gekozen beroepen (na deze studie)

We hebben onvoldoende betrouwbare informatie over dit onderwerp.

Een (substantiële) baan vinden...

duurt gemiddeld 9 maanden.
39% krijgt een vast contract.

Match tussen studie en beroep

54% vond een baan binnen het vakgebied van de studie

34% vond een baan op het niveau van de studie


Het startsalaris na deze studie is lager dan het gemiddelde van alle wo master studies.

€ 2.800

Geschatte startsalaris na deze studie

€ 2.949

Geschat van alle wo master studies

Gemiddelde werkweek

Hoeveel uur afgestudeerden gemiddeld werken bij hun huidige baan.

35 uur

Het percentage zelfstandigen

We hebben onvoldoende betrouwbare informatie over dit onderwerp.

Tevredenheid huidige baan

Het gemiddelde oordeel dat afgestudeerden geven over hun huidige baan.

3.9 / 5

Tevredenheid carrièrekansen

Het gemiddelde oordeel dat afgestudeerden geven over de mogelijkheden en vooruitzichten in hun loopbaan.

3.7 / 5

Meer weten over de opleiding? Neem contact op met Radboud Universiteit


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