Wo master - Economie en Bedrijf

Economics and Business

Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam
Geschreven door Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam

If you seek to link economic theory with practice through the involvement of industry and governments, then the MSc in Economics and Business is the programme for you.

What do you learn and what do you need?

An analytical mind, creativity and an interest in the world around you are important to be successful in this programme. We offer you a combination of academic rigour and practical applicability. Depending on which specialisation you choose, we will train you to conduct sound analyses and convert them into policy recommendations and strategies. In addition, you will learn how to assess strategic issues within companies.

There is a wealth of options to choose from. Our programme consists of ten specialisations in Economics, Business Economics, and Applied Economics:

* Behavioural Economics

* Data Science and Marketing Analytics

* Economics of Markets and Organisations

* Economics of Sustainability

* Financial Economics

* Health Economics

* International Economics

* Marketing

* Policy Economics

* Strategy Economics

* Urban, Port and Transport Economics

Our academic staff contribute regularly to major academic journals about their research findings, but we have cl...

Keuzes binnen de opleiding

  • Our Behavioural Economics programme brings you the skills to optimise strategies and policies by including the framing and context that affect people's choices. Contrary to assumptions in traditional economics, people do not automatically choose the optimal course of action, even if given proper incentives. This skills-based programme addresses the psychology of decision-making. In both mainstream and behavioural economics courses you will acquire a deep understanding of economics as well as the skills to adapt strategies and policies to deviations from rational behaviour. You can choose between three mainstream economics tracks, corresponding with our other Economics and Business specialisations: a Financial Economics track, an Economics of Management and Organisation track and a Marketing track. After graduation: Alumni work in many sectors, including consultancy, finance, government and research. Assisting governments to help people make better choices or companies to identify anomalies in decision-making are common tasks.

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    10:00 - 16:00 uur
  • By combining computer science and statistical expertise, this programme offers a unique mix of profound knowledge of data science methodology with a clear view of the application of these methods. You will learn how to capitalise on the potential of Big Data by acquiring programming skills that allow you to collect, clean and analyse such data. Courses in computer and data science lay the groundwork for the more advanced seminars. The latter explore state-of-the-art machine learning methods and apply them to real-life business problems. Interesting cases that will be covered include the composition of a set of relevant products and the identification of the customer's stage in the buying process, which allows firms to provide the information that is most valuable at that stage to the customer. After graduation: The growing awareness of the possibilities of exploiting data science for marketing analytics in business provides graduates with excellent job prospects. All consumer-oriented firms such as those in retailing, transport, finance, healthcare and consulting will have a rapidly increasing need for your skills.

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    10:00 - 16:00 uur
  • Improving this performance requires understanding what drives organizational performance and proper functioning of markets. Economics of Markets and Organisations develops your analytical skills and provides deep insights into the functioning of organisations and markets. Building on recent developments in microeconomics, this programme provides you with a comprehensive framework to analyse current and future performance of organisations and markets. The programme combines recent academic insights, real-life case studies, and quantitative skills.

    Markets and organisations have taken center stage in the economy across the world, making their performance of vital importance for our wellbeing.

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    10:00 - 16:00 uur
  • This programme is for highly motivated students who aim for a career in private equity, corporate finance, banking, or asset management.

    This Financial Economics programme attracts students from around the world for a great number of reasons. Which ones triggers you the most? Is it our renowned experience-based teaching methods? Our close connections to the international business world? Or maybe the fascinating guest lectures, company and study trips?

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    10:00 - 16:00 uur
  • You will explore and analyse the progressive integration of international goods, labour and capital markets and the decline in the national barriers that separated them in the past. You will explore and analyse the progressive integration of goods, labour and capital markets and the decline of national barriers. You will also achieve a deep understanding of the economic forces underlying the increased interdependence of nations as you can choose electives covering topics like:

    International Economics programme offers you a comprehensive selection of topical global economics issues.

    * Empirical international trade

    * The so–called new trade theories

    * The instruments of trade policies

    * International financial markets

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    10:00 - 16:00 uur
  • This programme focuses on the tools and skills that are needed to develop cutting-edge marketing strategies and innovative customer experiences,

    based on the latest theoretical and methodological marketing research.

    Harnessing detailed customer insights, you explore innovative marketing tactics to create value for customers, your firm and society at large. Our methodology will allow you to innovate and offer unparalleled customer experiences, distinguishing your business from competitors. Evidence-based decisions are the heart of the programme, acting as a catalyst for your company's growth and increased profitability.

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    10:00 - 16:00 uur
  • Are you fascinated by transport and its driving role in economic development? Do you enjoy the hustle and bustle of the city, where economic growth manifests itself? This programme focuses on the challenges in better organising and managing transport, logistics and cities, boosting further economic growth. Through interactive lectures, challenging assignments and lively debates you learn to apply the appropriate methods for a wide range of real-life issues.

    The Urban, Port and Transport Economics programme focuses on how to optimise the key elements of modern society: transport, logistics, and modern cities.

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    10:00 - 16:00 uur
  • Focus on sustainable development and how economic systems and policies can support Sustainable Development Goals. This programme introduces students to what sustainable development is and how economic systems can both support and hinder the Sustainable Development Goals. It is unique because it offers a multi-perspective approach. By combining the expertise of Erasmus School of Economics' high-level experts, representing a wide set of economic specialisations, the school provides you with the knowledge and skills to understand the complexity behind the SDGs.

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    10:00 - 16:00 uur
  • This programme takes an economic and quantitative approach to health care. It includes insights into what makes this sector so different and the economic evaluation of health care programmes. This study leads to a degree that is valued all over the world. As one of the top centres for health economic research and teaching we are able to equip our students with concepts and tools for economic and econometric analysis of health care. You will learn how to assess the cost-effectiveness of new medicines or treatments, how to design health insurance programmes that are fit for purpose in the 21st century and to make an informed contribution to debates on how we can deal with the rising medical costs and anticipate population aging. After graduation: Health economists are in high demand by insurance firms, hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, international organisations and government institutions to name just a few. This study also provides you with an excellent starting point for a career in academia.

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    10:00 - 16:00 uur
  • The Policy Economics programme at Erasmus School of Economics is unique in the Netherlands. It is explicitly designed to educate future policy makers. The curriculum prepares you for a career as a policy economist who is able to apply the most appropriate theory and empirical methods to solve real-world policy problems. This involves public economics, macroeconomics, microeconomics, econometrics and several electives. There are two intensive seminars in which you will become familiar with applied research techniques and have a choice between analysing policy issues or estimating modern macroeconomic models. After graduation: Good policy economists are scarce and your career perspectives will be excellent. After graduating you are able to work as an applied policy economist at ministries, applied research institutes, bureaus for policy analysis, and international institutions.

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    10:00 - 16:00 uur
  • This programme is predominantly built on the idea that entrepreneurship and innovation are what make people, firms and industries successful. In this programme, you will focus on phenomena like new technologies, shifting consumer preferences, economic crises and innovation that pose constant challenges and opportunities. You will acquire the analytical tools that are necessary for making the right decisions in a highly dynamic environment. This includes a good knowledge of relevant economic theories as well as quantitative skills for carrying out independent empirical research. You will lay the foundation in core courses and apply your knowledge to real-life problems and data in the highly interactive seminars. It is up to you whether you put an emphasis on entrepreneurship and small business or strategy and big firms. After graduation: A degree in Industrial Dynamics and Strategy prepares you for a wide spectrum of career opportunities. Our alumni are: consultants, business analysts, policy makers (for international organisations like the OECD), (applied) researchers, entrepreneurs and government officials.

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    10:00 - 16:00 uur

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Master Open Dag (fysiek en online)
10:00 - 16:00 uur

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Taal: Engels (100%)
Bekostiging: Overheid
Studiepunten: 60 ECTS
Diploma: Master

Om toegelaten te worden tot een opleiding moet je aan bepaalde eisen voldoen.


Om aan een master te kunnen starten, heb je een bachelordiploma nodig.

Sluit je bachelor niet direct aan op de master, of stroom je door van hbo naar wo? Dan moet je meestal een schakelprogramma of premaster volgen. Lees meer over schakelprogramma’s (Schakelprogramma, is dat nodig? - Studiekeuze123)


€ 2.601
Wettelijk collegegeld
€ 2.530
Wettelijk collegegeld

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Studeren bij deze instelling

814 eerstejaars aan deze opleiding
65% van de eerstejaars studenten is man
35% van de eerstejaars studenten is vrouw
83 opleidingen
70.255 studenten in de gemeente Rotterdam Meer info over Rotterdam

Het eerste jaar

We hebben onvoldoende betrouwbare informatie over dit onderwerp.


Diploma binnen 2 jaar


behaalt een diploma voor deze opleiding

behaalt een ander wo master diploma

behaalt geen diploma

Meer weten?

Hoe beoordelen de (oud)studenten deze opleiding?

Nationale Studenten Enquête

Hoe tevreden waren studenten in 2024 over aspecten van deze opleiding?

3.9 / 5
Sfeer 3.9 / 5
Studiefaciliteiten 4.1 / 5
Studie opnieuw kiezen 3.8 / 5
Inhoud en opzet 3.8 / 5
Aansluiting beroepspraktijk 3.3 / 5
+ Meer

Oordeel afgestudeerden

Over de studie Economics and Business

57% van de afgestudeerden vindt de studie een goede basis om te starten op de arbeidsmarkt
76% van de afgestudeerden zou achteraf de studie opnieuw kiezen

Studeren met een ondersteuningsbehoefte

Veel studenten hebben tijdens hun studie behoefte aan extra voorzieningen of flexibiliteit in het onderwijs. Dit kan komen door een aandoening zoals dyslexie, een chronische ziekte, psychische klachten, maar ook topsport of ondernemerschap tijdens de studie. Studenten beoordeelden hoe tevreden ze zijn over de ondersteuningsmogelijkheden bij hun onderwijsinstelling.

Lees hoe het studenten van deze opleiding in de eerste periode na hun studie vergaat op de arbeidsmarkt.

De meeste informatie die je hier ziet geeft een inkijkje in de situatie van afgestudeerden aan deze opleiding 1,5 jaar nadat ze zijn afgestudeerd. De informatie heeft betrekking op de studie Economics and Business en niet alleen over de opleiding aan deze instelling. Ben je nieuwsgierig hoe we aan de informatie zijn gekomen? Klik dan bij de verschillende onderwerpen op 'Meer informatie'.

Meest gekozen beroepen (na deze studie)

Bedrijfs- en organisatieanalisten 18%
Financieel analisten 11%
Financieel en beleggingsadviseurs 10%
Systeemanalisten 7%
Accountants 6%

Een (substantiële) baan vinden...

duurt gemiddeld 5 maanden.
56% krijgt een vast contract.

Match tussen studie en beroep

77% vond een baan binnen het vakgebied van de studie

70% vond een baan op het niveau van de studie


Het startsalaris na deze studie is hoger dan het gemiddelde van alle wo master studies.

€ 3.445

Geschatte startsalaris na deze studie

€ 3.150

Geschat van alle wo master studies

Gemiddelde werkweek

Hoeveel uur afgestudeerden gemiddeld werken bij hun huidige baan.

39 uur

Het percentage zelfstandigen

Het aandeel mensen dat werkt als zelfstandige of ondernemer.


Tevredenheid huidige baan

Het gemiddelde oordeel dat afgestudeerden geven over hun huidige baan.

4.1 / 5

Tevredenheid carrièrekansen

Het gemiddelde oordeel dat afgestudeerden geven over de mogelijkheden en vooruitzichten in hun loopbaan.

3.9 / 5

Meer weten over de opleiding? Neem contact op met Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam


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3062 PA Rotterdam

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