Wo master - Aarde en Milieu
Varianten: DDM International Programme in Economic Geography, Economic Geography: Sustainable Rural Futures, Economic Geography: Regional Competitiveness and Tra...
Global Transformations, Local Impacts
The world is changing at a rapid pace and the consequences affect regions and people unevenly. Technological changes, such as digitalization and automation, affect the way jobs are organized and how the economy is structured. Climate change increases the risk of food shortages, water scarcity, and the occurrence of natural disasters. These, in turn, affect people’s wellbeing and businesses’ production decisions and possibilities. In many places, demographic changes, such as ageing and migration, challenge the provision of services and call for a new organization of the society. The effects of these global megatrends are not symmetric, some people benefit some do not, some place benefits some do not.Economic Geography in Groningen is about understanding these inequalities across space and people: regional differences in economic structure and performance as well as in socio-economic outcomes in a broad sense. Our starting point in understanding these inequalities between places and people are the actions of three main economic actors: Firms, People, and the Government. Understanding their behaviour (e.g., migration, firm location, policies) is...
This Double Degree International Programme combines the masters in Economic Geography of the Leibniz University in Hannover (Germany) and the University of Groningen (the Netherlands).
Spend your first year in Hannover and your second year in Groningen, and get two master’s degrees in Economic Geography! Leibniz University Hannover is one of the largest and oldest science and technology universities in Germany. Here, economic geography centres around the intersection of economics and geography in which economic aspects of geography and the geographical aspects of the economy are taught and explored. Global processes such as environmental change, migration and the digitalisation of the economy affect regions throughout the world, and yet the impact of these processes may differ considerably from region to region. To meet this challenge, students learn how to explain complex interrelations using theoretical knowledge, how to empirically investigate regional development processes, and how to develop sound regional policy strategies for action.In Groningen, we focus on the actions of people and firms and how they govern regional economic development: where do entrepreneurs start their businesses, how do firms grow, where do people live, where do they move to and which jobs do they have? Can we understand their choices? With this information on individual level, you will be a
Do you want to know how agricultural transitions, socio-cultural discontent, and climate change impact European rural areas? Come satisfy your curiosity in the master Sustainable Rural Futures!
This master explores the rural-specific socio-spatial impacts of global transformations and how rural regions and communities deal with such transformations in socially and environmentally sustainable and place-specific ways.You will learn:* How global and societal megatrends affect local and regional spatial organisations in rural areas, and how rural communities can adapt to that* How historical nature and landscape values and regional identities can be preserved and enhanced during the transformation processes* How to manage the social impacts of these transformations in a sustainable way* How to deal with transitional processes in different professional practices related to rural developmentIf you want to contribute to sustainable and liveable rural areas, this master is just what you are looking for!MSc in Economic GeographySustainable Rural Futures is a track within the master in Economic Geography. This master provides you with a deep understanding on the unequal spatial and social effects of global megatrends, such as technological, demographic and climate changes. You will dive into topics like economic geographical processes, wellbeing, quality of life, labour market dev
Do you want to become a specialist in regional economic development in an international context with a keen eye for the role of policy?
The track in Regional Competitiveness and Trade prepares you for a career in regional economic strategies and research in regional science.The track, which is part of the Master in Economic Geography and organized in cooperation with the Faculty of Economics and Business, focusses on regional and global competitiveness related to trade and Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). Trade and FDI importantly govern the interconnectivity between countries and regions and their subsequent economic development. The ongoing fragmentation of value-chains - an iPad is manufactured all over the globe - leads to increasing trade between countries and a growing global presence of multinational firms.How do global linkages between regions and countries influence their competitiveness? You will learn the latest theoretical (New Economic Geography) and methodological (Spatial Econometrics) approaches to address the issues of interconnectivity between regions through trade and FDI.Our graduates are specialists in regional economic development with a keen eye for the role of policy. They are well versed in the latest theoretical and empirical Economic models of regional growth.If you are interested in following a two-year programme in Economic Geography in two d
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We hebben onvoldoende betrouwbare informatie over dit onderwerp.
Hoe beoordelen de (oud)studenten deze opleiding?
Hoe tevreden waren studenten in 2024 over aspecten van deze opleiding?
Meer informatie | 3.9 / 5 |
Sfeer | 3.9 / 5 |
Studiefaciliteiten | 4.2 / 5 |
Studie opnieuw kiezen | - / 5 |
Inhoud en opzet | 3.7 / 5 |
Aansluiting beroepspraktijk | - / 5 |
Meer informatie | 3.9 / 5 |
Sfeer | 3.9 / 5 |
Studiefaciliteiten | 4.2 / 5 |
Studie opnieuw kiezen | - / 5 |
Inhoud en opzet | 3.7 / 5 |
Aansluiting beroepspraktijk | - / 5 |
Docenten | 3.9 / 5 |
Lesstof in het Engels | - / 5 |
Studiebegeleiding | 3.8 / 5 |
Toetsing en beoordeling | 3.5 / 5 |
Betrokkenheid en contact | 3.8 / 5 |
Studiedruk |
Over de studie Economische Geografie
Veel studenten hebben tijdens hun studie behoefte aan extra voorzieningen of flexibiliteit in het onderwijs. Dit kan komen door een aandoening zoals dyslexie, een chronische ziekte, psychische klachten, maar ook topsport of ondernemerschap tijdens de studie. Studenten beoordeelden hoe tevreden ze zijn over de ondersteuningsmogelijkheden bij hun onderwijsinstelling.
Lees hoe het studenten van deze opleiding in de eerste periode na hun studie vergaat op de arbeidsmarkt.
De meeste informatie die je hier ziet geeft een inkijkje in de situatie van afgestudeerden aan deze opleiding 1,5 jaar nadat ze zijn afgestudeerd. De informatie heeft betrekking op de studie Economische Geografie en niet alleen over de opleiding aan deze instelling. Ben je nieuwsgierig hoe we aan de informatie zijn gekomen? Klik dan bij de verschillende onderwerpen op 'Meer informatie'.
We hebben onvoldoende betrouwbare informatie over dit onderwerp.
duurt gemiddeld 9 maanden.39% krijgt een vast contract.
54% vond een baan binnen het vakgebied van de studie
34% vond een baan op het niveau van de studie
Het startsalaris na deze studie is lager dan het gemiddelde van alle wo master studies.
€ 2.800
Geschatte startsalaris na deze studie
€ 2.949
Geschat van alle wo master studies
Hoeveel uur afgestudeerden gemiddeld werken bij hun huidige baan.
35 uur
We hebben onvoldoende betrouwbare informatie over dit onderwerp.
Meer weten over de opleiding? Neem contact op met Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
Oude Boteringestraat 44
9712 GL
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